Monday, October 8, 2007

Stitching Retreat

Well, this weekend was my stitching retreat and it was great! There were 16 of us there and we got so many great things. I have uploaded the pictures but they are only showing up as a jumble of letters, so I will just write. We got three projects for the weekend.
1. was the pumpkin that I have seen on some of your blogs. She also painted and gold-leafed a box for us to mount it on
2. was a book with three patterns that can be done on plastic canvas. She also gave us a basket to mount it on and silk leaves to put on the basket also.
3. was my favorite. These three crazy faces..and you use these spiral buttons for their eyes that are just so much fun!
Friday night was a covered dish meal - and they brought so much good stuff! People who actually COOK usually go all out for these things! Not being one of those people types, I bought a tray of iced cookies from Bilo, which were a hit, so that was good.
One woman brought this corn dip that was the best thing I have had in a long time. When I get the recipe I'll post it, because everyone in the world should taste this dip! Saturday morning they had donuts etc. adn ordered pizza for lunch.
I really liked all of the women - they were mostly in their 30s 40s and 50s but there was one that was 25 and two in their 60s. They were all a lot of fun, and I intend to go to their stitching club this coming Friday night.

The first two pictures are of two things I bought that I want to do. The pumpkins are great, but my favorite is the one that says "Things haven't been the same since that house fell on my sister!" I think that is hilarious!!

I apparently have no control over the layout of this post. So...oh well!

School has improved greatly! We have been working hard on the All-State Audition piece, which is a buger, and they have finally gotten it. They are so proud of themselves! Also we have a Choral Festival on Nov. 5 that we sponsor. We invite middle school and elementary choirs that feed into our high school, so that hopefully they will want to stay in choir all the way throuch school. Each choir sings two songs and then we sing one number as a mass choir. It is amazing to hear 750+ kids singing together.

Thanks for all of the encouraging comments about my really bad days. Things are much better.

Happy Stitching!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and saying such nice things. I saw those pumpkins by glendon place at Miokka's blog and thought they were the cutest things ever! To get a little more control of your posts: upload your photos first and then click anywhere you want above, in between, or below the photos) to add text.

Kathy said...

Wow, aren't retreats fun? I am going to one in 10 days. I can hardly wait.

Sounds like you got some nice projects. Many times they are things that I am not interested in doing. Those all seem like things I would do.

Teejay's advice for putting pictures on you post is the way I do it. It seems rather backwards, but it works. Need to load the picture you want to be last, first and so on until you have them all done.

Marie said...

Sounds like you had a really great time!
I love the "funky" Halloween project. Those swirly eyes are wild.

crazyhaberdasher said...

What a terrific time you had! I wish I was there..! I love all the projects you are doing. Those three faces are wild!

Wanda said...

Love the pretty pumpkins! The other chart about the sister what a hoot!! Excited about starting my VoHRH. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love the sister one too! Can't wait to see it when you finish. Sounds like school is going well, I'm so glad! It looks like you have so many projects, and you keep finishing them! Wish I could say the same...

Miokka said...

Woo Whooo! Love all the goodies from your retreat, especially the funky faces! I can not wait to start the Glendon pumpkins. I love the house on the witch too! I'm an "Oz" nut plus love Halloween/fall things. I want to come to your retreat!
So happy that school & life are going better! I commend you for having the patience and the ability to deal with all of "that"! My high school choral teacher suggested I take study hall... so did my speach teacher! LOL! Oh well!
Keep on hangin' on!