Monday, September 10, 2007

Short post - I've been really sick. I did go to school today - l-o-n-g day! I'll be back!


Kathy said...

Hope you are feeling better. Too much stress at the beginning of school probably contributed to you getting sick.

Being sick probably has not helped you in getting started on VOHRH. Mine is going slowly.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Feel better soon...I'm sick was a l-o-n-g day yesterday too and hoping that today is better :)

Mindi said...

I sure hope you feel better soon, seems a lot of people are sick right now.

Anonymous said...

Feel better, Jane! And remember to post the pic of you pumpkin once you feel up to it...

Marie said...

Hope you are feeling better. I feel sick right now ~ I ate so much candy corn! ICK :-)