Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back in the Saddle, Sort-Of

Hi - I didn't realize it had been so long since I had posted. I just haven't been able to shake the fatigue or the bronchitis. I have been going to school and then just coming home and going to bed. I slept all weekend. I have actually felt pretty good today, so maybe I am on the upswing. I have done a little stitching, but mainly I have just stretched out on the couch and watched TV. [The truth is I put 'stretched out' because I could not remember the correct conjugation of lie. I know you lie on a couch, and you lay an egg, but there my memory stoppeth. Lie, lay, laid, have lain?? I just don't remember, but I used to know. ] Anyway, I have re-discovered Designing Women. I LOVE that show. And I especially love Suzanne.
So, I'll go and read some blogs and catch up on all of you!


crazyhaberdasher said...

I hope you are feeling much better - looks like you might have to check with the doctor...

Kathy said...

Glad to hear that you are doing better. Maybe it is a good thing that you already had block 1 of VOHRH done, since you have been sick and not feeling like stitching. Hopefully I can get my block 1 done and we can move on to block 2 together.

Beatrice said...

Hi Jane. I'm glad you are feeling better. You go back to school and get sick ,it never fails.!!! All the kids are coming in to get hair cuts with colds and the flu...Yuck. stay away already!
Get well.